install murmur instead of umurmur

HgO 2020-12-27 18:20:35 +01:00
parent 2ace573ac9
commit d8afed1171
7 changed files with 122 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -25,4 +25,11 @@ users:
- name: tierce - name: tierce
- name: zefredz - name: zefredz
acme_email: acme_account_email:
private_key: "{{ acme_accounts_dir }}/acme_account.key"
email: "{{ acme_account_email }}"
challenge_dir: /var/www/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge
domains: "{{ acme_domains }}"

View File

@ -1,49 +1,84 @@
murmur_port: 64730 mumble_domain: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
acme_enabled: yes
- name: "{{ mumble_domain }}"
alt_names: "{{ mumble_alt_domains }}"
- systemctl reload nginx
- systemctl restart mumble-server
- systemctl restart umurmur
mumble_nginx_domains: "{{ [mumble_domain] + mumble_alt_domains }}"
murmur_enabled: yes
murmur_superuser_password: "{{ vault_murmur_superuser_password }}" murmur_superuser_password: "{{ vault_murmur_superuser_password }}"
murmur_ice_secret_read: "{{ vault_murmur_ice_secret_read }}"
murmur_ice_secret_write: "{{ vault_murmur_ice_secret_write }}"
- Welcome to Parley Talk!
- You can talk to the people in the room you joined.
- You start in the Welcome room, to join another channel double click on the room name.
murmur_max_users: 100
- name: Parley
description: Main Parley Talk channel. No entry.
inherit: yes
inheritable: yes
- group: all
- Enter
recursive: no
enabled: yes
- group: all
- RegisterSelf
- MakeTempChannel
- group: admin
- MuteDeafen
- Move
- Kick
- Ban
- Register
- name: Welcome
parent: Parley
description: Welcome channel
position: 0
isdefault: yes
- name: Mary Read's territory
description: The channel dedicated to Mary Read. She was a Caribbean pirate. Dressed as a man, Mary went to sea and later joined the British army, fighting in the War Of The Spanish Succession. She married and settled down as a woman, but dressed back as a man following the death of her husband, later boarding a ship bound for the West Indies.
parent: Welcome
- name: Anne Bonny crew
description: The channel dedicated to Anne Bonny. She was one the most famous female pirates. She operated in the Caribbean. She discovered that one of her crew companion, Mark Read, was secretly a woman (Mary Read) and the two became very close.
parent: Welcome
- name: Mary Cricket's ship
description: The channel dedicated to Mary Cricket. Toghether with 5 other prisoners Mary Crickett escaped and overpowered the two-man crew of the sloop John and Elizabeth on 12 May 1729. She held the prisoners in the ship's hold, sitting on the hatch to prevent their escape. The pair was released a few days later. The pirates sailed into Chesapeake Bay but before they could raid any other ships, they were captured by HMS Shoreham. Returned to Virginia, they were tried in August 1729, convicted of piracy, and sentenced to hang.
parent: Welcome
- name: Flora Burn's island
description: The channel dedicated to Flora Burn. She began her pirate career in 1741 and operated mainly on the East Coast of North America.
parent: Welcome
- name: Sayyida al Hurra
description: She was a Moroccan pirate from the 16th century, and controlled the Mediterranean Sea together with Barbarossa. Her name means "noble lady who is free and independent"
parent: Welcome
- name: Ching Shih
description: She was a Chinese pirate from the 19th century. She is considered to be the pirate with the largest crew ever assembled (between 20.000 and 40.000 pirates) and died peacefully as a free woman
parent: Welcome
- name: Silent
parent: Parley
description: Silent channel
position: 1
- group: all
- Speak
- MakeTempChannel
- group: admin
- MakeTempChannel
murmur_default_channel: Welcome
umurmur_version: 0.2.17 mumble_web_enabled: yes
- Welcome to Parley Talk!
- You can talk to the people in the room you joined.
- You start in the Welcome room, to join another channel double click on the room name.
umurmur_admin_password: "{{ vault_umurmur_admin_password }}"
umurmur_max_users: 100
- name: Parley
description: Main Parley Talk channel. No entry.
noenter: yes
- name: Welcome
parent: Parley
description: Welcome channel
position: 0
- name: Silent
parent: Parley
description: Silent channel
silent: yes
position: 1
- name: Mary Read's territory
description: The channel dedicated to Mary Read. She was a Caribbean pirate. Dressed as a man, Mary went to sea and later joined the British army, fighting in the War Of The Spanish Succession. She married and settled down as a woman, but dressed back as a man following the death of her husband, later boarding a ship bound for the West Indies.
parent: Welcome
- name: Anne Bonny crew
description: The channel dedicated to Anne Bonny. She was one the most famous female pirates. She operated in the Caribbean. She discovered that one of her crew companion, Mark Read, was secretly a woman (Mary Read) and the two became very close.
parent: Welcome
- name: Mary Cricket's ship
description: The channel dedicated to Mary Cricket. Toghether with 5 other prisoners Mary Crickett escaped and overpowered the two-man crew of the sloop John and Elizabeth on 12 May 1729. She held the prisoners in the ship's hold, sitting on the hatch to prevent their escape. The pair was released a few days later. The pirates sailed into Chesapeake Bay but before they could raid any other ships, they were captured by HMS Shoreham. Returned to Virginia, they were tried in August 1729, convicted of piracy, and sentenced to hang.
parent: Welcome
- name: Flora Burn's island
description: The channel dedicated to Flora Burn. She began her pirate career in 1741 and operated mainly on the East Coast of North America.
parent: Welcome
- name: Sayyida al Hurra
description: She was a Moroccan pirate from the 16th century, and controlled the Mediterranean Sea together with Barbarossa. Her name means "noble lady who is free and independent"
parent: Welcome
- name: Ching Shih
description: She was a Chinese pirate from the 19th century. She is considered to be the pirate with the largest crew ever assembled (between 20.000 and 40.000 pirates) and died peacefully as a free woman
parent: Welcome
umurmur_default_channel: Welcome
mumble_web_version: master mumble_web_version: master
mumble_web_nginx_generate_dhparam: no

View File

@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
39653565313333643836363062656363333232313166303331656135633830323633366236313438 34366265373235346635666537616638376532326239636234613934623363643630656337366336
6663616535626237326566636331356564373936356465310a323638646333623731366530316630 6266653039336639646566393239643335616261356431360a653366336238383137353530366232
30653662666239336465366466663162303466613139636138316538643862383962393734323665 37353032353737653238313634313333323339373663376435373234316534363763306161643036
6135633264336530650a653234353636643630643566323638386138633035396232666136333531 6633306461636162370a393964383732623162316438383562656132333735656265633463663665
66353062333661393462353535383964333262336235643237383632633135346165326635633730 33373837653232343335396131366235333437316136633466353838323436323835383062353332
65356161363266393834353964626164356364353061646638366232643132373965646466373734 30373232626534616430333066663035353738643132656233336531633162346233313366313262
34346238313666363466633934333737313761643965313130313465623038393638343564393064 64303331656137643235333663313063356366306530646330303965656238323735623237613739
31373132643762373161396236646366326666306536643566383638623133666333663430356431 62396662646335383362373539313939343231356332623362316661653466386363636135333932
65356166326339373666643365623837326461316437616361346531383533646435323331363131 31383936323064633235643533643632363665613262306532336131393831306462633233613764
30373838306631393066323766316638303233303231616266323562653332306631393334353361 65326630376633386465653763643964643466346133393433313266373138393635616332393661
30353130333164643333663262356437386564356432343533336163383735343830656132396332 66353331373632623133366261363765653762373664303564633635366161363365363866633737
61313334396638636333 31303936643430646430353031376237393961333934326463323864336337663137383230653362

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
- hosts: mumble - hosts: mumble
become: yes become: yes
- "{{ umurmur_domain }}"
- "{{ mumble_web_domain }}"
roles: roles:
- ppbe.mumble - ppbe.mumble

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
- name: ppbe.acme - name: ppbe.acme
src: src:
scm: git scm: git
version: master version: 5-trigger-hooks-after-certificate-renewal
- name: ppbe.mumble - name: ppbe.mumble
src: src:
scm: git scm: git
version: master version: master
- name: cloudalchemy.alertmanager
- name: cloudalchemy.prometheus

View File

@ -35,10 +35,11 @@
size: "{{ nginx_dhparam_size }}" size: "{{ nginx_dhparam_size }}"
owner: root owner: root
group: www-data group: www-data
mode: "640"
async: 3600 async: 3600
poll: 0 poll: 0
changed_when: no changed_when: no
register: nginx_dh register: _nginx_dhparam
- name: Use snakoil cert key as Nginx's default private key - name: Use snakoil cert key as Nginx's default private key
file: file:
@ -86,11 +87,12 @@
- name: Waiting for Diffie-Hellman task to complete… - name: Waiting for Diffie-Hellman task to complete…
async_status: async_status:
jid: "{{ nginx_dh.ansible_job_id }}" jid: "{{ _nginx_dhparam.ansible_job_id }}"
register: nginx_dh_job register: _nginx_dhparam_job
retries: 60 retries: 60
delay: 30 # will retry every 30s for 30min (60 retries) delay: 30 # will retry every 30s for 30min (60 retries)
until: nginx_dh_job.finished until: _nginx_dhparam_job.finished
notify: reload nginx
- name: Start Nginx server - name: Start Nginx server
service: service: