
72 lines
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{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
max_bandwidth = 48000;
welcometext = {{ umurmur_welcome_text
if umurmur_welcome_text is string
else (umurmur_welcome_text | join('<br />'))
| to_json }};
certificate = {{ umurmur_certificate | to_json }};
private_key = {{ umurmur_private_key | to_json }};
password = {{ umurmur_user_password | to_json }};
{% if umurmur_admin_password is defined %}
admin_password = {{ umurmur_admin_password | to_json }}; # Set to enable admin functionality.
{% endif %}
# ban_length = 0; # Length in seconds for a ban. Default is 0. 0 = forever.
# enable_ban = false; # Default is false
# banfile = "banfile.txt"; # File to save bans to. Default is to not save bans to file.
# sync_banfile = false; # Keep banfile synced. Default is false, which means it is saved to at shutdown only.
allow_textmessage = true; # Default is true
# opus_threshold = 100; # Percentage of users supporting Opus codec for it to be chosen. Default is 100.
# show_addresses = true; # Whether to show client's IP addresses under user information
max_users = {{ umurmur_max_users }};
bindport = {{ umurmur_port }};
# bindaddr = "";
# username and groupname for privilege dropping.
# Will attempt to switch user if set.
# username = "";
# If groupname not set the user's default login group will be used
# groupname = "";
# Log to file option. Default is logging to syslog.
# umurmurd will close and reopen the logfile if SIGHUP is received.
logfile = "/var/log/umurmurd.log";
# CA location for CA-signed certificates
# ca_path = "/path/to/ca/certificates/";
# Channel tree definition:
# Root channel must always be defined first.
# If a channel has a parent, the parent must be defined before the child channel(s).
channels = (
{% for channel in umurmur_channels %}
name = {{ | to_json }};
description = {{ channel.description | default('') | to_json }};
parent = {{ channel.parent | default('') | to_json }};
noenter = {{ channel.noenter | default(false) | string | lower }};
silent = {{ channel.silent | default(false) | string | lower }};
{% if channel.position is defined %}
position = {{ channel.position }};
{% endif %}
{% if channel.password is defined %}
password = {{ channel.password | to_json }};
{% endif %}
}{{ loop.last | ternary("", ",") }}
{% endfor %}
# Channel links configuration.
channel_links = (
{% for channel in umurmur_channel_links %}
{% for destination in channel.destinations %}
source = {{ channel.source | to_json }};
destination = {{ destination | to_json }};
}{{ loop.last | ternary('', ',') }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
# The channel in which users will appear in when connecting.
# Note that default channel can't have 'noenter = true' or password set
default_channel = {{ umurmur_default_channel | to_json }};