remove umurmur support

HgO 2021-03-26 23:55:52 +01:00
parent 1ef7fbb1b5
commit 7bb919e184
17 changed files with 7 additions and 347 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ acme_domains:
hooks: | hooks: |
{{ ( {{ (
'systemctl reload nginx' if mumble_web_enabled else None, 'systemctl reload nginx' if mumble_web_enabled else None,
'systemctl restart umurmur' if umurmur_enabled else None,
'systemctl restart mumble-server' if murmur_enabled else None 'systemctl restart mumble-server' if murmur_enabled else None
) | reject("none") | list }} ) | reject("none") | list }}
acme_directory_url: acme_directory_url:
@ -133,39 +132,4 @@ murmur_channels:
- MakeTempChannel - MakeTempChannel
- group: admin - group: admin
allow: allow:
- MakeTempChannel - MakeTempChannel
umurmur_enabled: no
umurmur_domain: "{{ mumble_domain }}"
umurmur_max_bandwidth: 48000
umurmur_max_users: 100
umurmur_server_password: ""
- name: Root
description: Root channel. No entry.
noenter: yes
- name: Welcome
parent: Root
description: Welcome channel
position: 0
- name: Silent
parent: Root
description: Silent channel
silent: yes
position: 1
umurmur_default_channel: Welcome
umurmur_welcome_text: "Welcome on the {{ inventory_hostname }} Mumble server!"
- source: "{{ umurmur_default_channel }}"
destinations: >-
{{ umurmur_channels
| selectattr('parent', 'defined')
| selectattr('parent', '==', umurmur_default_channel)
| map(attribute='name')
| list
umurmur_ssl_group: "{{ acme_ssl_group }}"
umurmur_certificate: "{{ acme_certs_dir }}/{{ umurmur_domain }}.d/{{ acme_enabled | ternary('fullchain', 'cert') }}.pem"
umurmur_private_key: "{{ acme_keys_dir }}/{{ umurmur_domain }}.key"
umurmur_version: master
umurmur_port: 64738

View File

@ -3,15 +3,6 @@
daemon_reload: yes daemon_reload: yes
register: systemd_reloaded register: systemd_reloaded
# In order to take into account rooms config changes, umurmur must be restarted.
# A simple reload won't work for rooms positionning, for instance.
- name: restart umurmur
name: umurmur
state: restarted
- not (umurmur_started.changed | default(false))
- name: restart murmur - name: restart murmur
service: service:
name: mumble-server name: mumble-server

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ dependencies:
galaxy_info: galaxy_info:
role_name: mumble role_name: mumble
author: HgO author: HgO
description: Ansible role to install umurmur, the minimalistic Mumble server, and mumble-web client. description: Ansible role to install murmur (mumble server) and mumble-web client.
company: PPBe company: PPBe
# If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ galaxy_info:
versions: versions:
- all - all
galaxy_tags: [mumble,voip,umurmur] galaxy_tags: [mumble,voip,murmur,mumble-web]
# List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes # List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
# and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to # and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
# remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list. # remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
vars: vars:
mumble_web_enabled: yes mumble_web_enabled: yes
murmur_enabled: yes murmur_enabled: yes
umurmur_enabled: yes
umurmur_port: 64739
acme_enabled: no acme_enabled: no
roles: roles:

View File

@ -30,15 +30,6 @@ platforms:
guest: 64738 guest: 64738
host: 14738 host: 14738
protocol: tcp protocol: tcp
# Umurmur server
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64739
host: 14739
protocol: udp
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64739
host: 14739
protocol: tcp
- name: focal-mumble-molecule - name: focal-mumble-molecule
box: ubuntu/focal64 box: ubuntu/focal64
<<: *hardware <<: *hardware
@ -59,15 +50,6 @@ platforms:
guest: 64738 guest: 64738
host: 24738 host: 24738
protocol: tcp protocol: tcp
# Umurmur server
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64739
host: 24739
protocol: udp
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64739
host: 24739
protocol: tcp
provisioner: provisioner:
name: ansible name: ansible
config_options: config_options:

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
vars: vars:
mumble_web_enabled: yes mumble_web_enabled: yes
murmur_enabled: yes murmur_enabled: yes
umurmur_enabled: no
acme_enabled: no acme_enabled: no
roles: roles:

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
vars: vars:
mumble_web_enabled: no mumble_web_enabled: no
murmur_enabled: yes murmur_enabled: yes
umurmur_enabled: no
umurmur_port: 64739
acme_enabled: no acme_enabled: no
roles: roles:

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Vagrant driver installation guide
* Vagrant
* Virtualbox, Parallels, VMware Fusion, VMware Workstation or VMware Desktop
Please refer to the `Virtual environment`_ documentation for installation best
practices. If not using a virtual environment, please consider passing the
widely recommended `'--user' flag`_ when invoking ``pip``.
.. _Virtual environment:
.. _'--user' flag:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install 'molecule_vagrant'

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- name: Converge
hosts: all
become: yes
mumble_web_enabled: no
murmur_enabled: no
umurmur_enabled: yes
acme_enabled: no
- ansible-role-mumble

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
.hardware: &hardware
memory: 1024
cpu: 2
name: galaxy
name: vagrant
name: virtualbox
- name: buster-mumble-molecule
box: debian/buster64
<<: *hardware
# Umurmur server
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64738
host: 14738
protocol: udp
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64738
host: 14738
protocol: tcp
- name: focal-mumble-molecule
box: ubuntu/focal64
<<: *hardware
# Umurmur server
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64738
host: 24738
protocol: udp
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 64738
host: 24738
protocol: tcp
name: ansible
interpreter_python: /usr/bin/python3
pipelining: true
name: ansible

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- name: Prepare
hosts: all
become: yes
- name: Update apt cache
update_cache: yes
cache_valid_time: 3600

View File

@ -20,11 +20,6 @@
- certificate - certificate
- self_signed - self_signed
- name: Deploy uMurmur server
import_tasks: umurmur.yml
when: umurmur_enabled
tags: umurmur
- name: Deploy Murmur server - name: Deploy Murmur server
import_tasks: murmur.yml import_tasks: murmur.yml
when: murmur_enabled when: murmur_enabled

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- name: Install umurmur build dependencies
name: "{{ package }}"
state: present
- git
- build-essential
- cmake
- libconfig-dev
- libprotobuf-c-dev
- libmbedtls-dev
- ssl-cert
loop_var: package
- name: Clone umurmur git repository
dest: /opt/umurmur
version: "{{ umurmur_version }}"
- name: Change umurmur git repository's permissions
path: /opt/umurmur
owner: root
group: root
mode: "775"
state: directory
- name: Create the build directory
path: /opt/umurmur/build
owner: root
group: root
mode: "775"
state: directory
- name: Generate the Makefile with cmake
shell: cd /opt/umurmur/build && cmake .. -DSSL=mbedtls
changed_when: no
- name: Build umurmur from source
chdir: /opt/umurmur/build
changed_when: _umurmur_built.stdout_lines | length > 1
register: _umurmur_built
- name: Install umurmur
chdir: /opt/umurmur/build
target: install
changed_when: "'Installing' in _umurmur_installed.stdout"
register: _umurmur_installed
notify: restart umurmur
- name: Copy umurmur config file
src: umurmur/umurmur.conf.j2
dest: /usr/local/etc/umurmur.conf
owner: root
group: "{{ umurmur_ssl_group }}"
mode: "640"
validate: /usr/local/bin/umurmurd -t -c %s
notify: restart umurmur
tags: umurmur_config
- name: Copy umurmur systemd service
src: umurmur/umurmur.service.j2
dest: /etc/systemd/system/umurmur.service
owner: root
group: root
mode: "644"
- reload systemd
- restart umurmur
- name: Start umurmur service
name: umurmur
enabled: yes
state: started
register: umurmur_started
- name: Trigger umurmur handlers
meta: flush_handlers

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ let config = window.mumbleWebConfig // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
config.connectDialog.address = false config.connectDialog.address = false
config.connectDialog.port = false config.connectDialog.port = false
config.connectDialog.token = false config.connectDialog.token = false
config.connectDialog.password = {{ (umurmur_server_password != '') | lower }} config.connectDialog.password = {{ (murmur_server_password != '') | lower }}
// Default values for user settings // Default values for user settings
// You can see your current value by typing `localStorage.getItem('mumble.$setting')` in the web console. // You can see your current value by typing `localStorage.getItem('mumble.$setting')` in the web console.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[Unit] [Unit]
Description=Mumble web client using websockets Description=Mumble web client using websockets umurmur.service murmur.service
Wants=umurmur.service Wants=murmur.service
[Service] [Service]
Type=simple Type=simple
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ User=nobody
Group=nogroup Group=nogroup
Restart=always Restart=always
RestartSec=3 RestartSec=3
ExecStart=/usr/bin/websockify --ssl-target {{ mumble_web_websockify_port }} localhost:{{ umurmur_port }} ExecStart=/usr/bin/websockify --ssl-target {{ mumble_web_websockify_port }} localhost:{{ murmur_port }}
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
[Install] [Install]

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
max_bandwidth = {{ umurmur_max_bandwidth }};
{% if umurmur_welcome_text is string %}
welcometext = {{ umurmur_welcome_text | to_json }};
{% else %}
welcometext = {{ umurmur_welcome_text | join('<br />') | to_json }};
{% endif %}
certificate = {{ umurmur_certificate | to_json }};
private_key = {{ umurmur_private_key | to_json }};
password = {{ umurmur_server_password | to_json }};
{% if umurmur_admin_password is defined %}
admin_password = {{ umurmur_admin_password | to_json }}; # Set to enable admin functionality.
{% endif %}
# ban_length = 0; # Length in seconds for a ban. Default is 0. 0 = forever.
# enable_ban = false; # Default is false
# banfile = "banfile.txt"; # File to save bans to. Default is to not save bans to file.
# sync_banfile = false; # Keep banfile synced. Default is false, which means it is saved to at shutdown only.
allow_textmessage = true; # Default is true
# opus_threshold = 100; # Percentage of users supporting Opus codec for it to be chosen. Default is 100.
# show_addresses = true; # Whether to show client's IP addresses under user information
max_users = {{ umurmur_max_users }};
bindport = {{ umurmur_port }};
# bindaddr = "";
# username and groupname for privilege dropping.
# Will attempt to switch user if set.
# username = "";
# If groupname not set the user's default login group will be used
# groupname = "";
# Log to file option. Default is logging to syslog.
# umurmurd will close and reopen the logfile if SIGHUP is received.
logfile = "/var/log/umurmurd.log";
# CA location for CA-signed certificates
# ca_path = "/path/to/ca/certificates/";
# Channel tree definition:
# Root channel must always be defined first.
# If a channel has a parent, the parent must be defined before the child channel(s).
channels = (
{% for channel in umurmur_channels %}
name = {{ | to_json }};
description = {{ channel.description | default('') | to_json }};
parent = {{ channel.parent | default('') | to_json }};
noenter = {{ channel.noenter | default(false) | string | lower }};
silent = {{ channel.silent | default(false) | string | lower }};
{% if channel.position is defined %}
position = {{ channel.position }};
{% endif %}
{% if channel.password is defined %}
password = {{ channel.password | to_json }};
{% endif %}
}{{ loop.last | ternary("", ",") }}
{% endfor %}
# Channel links configuration.
channel_links = (
{% for channel in umurmur_channel_links %}
{% for destination in channel.destinations %}
source = {{ channel.source | to_json }};
destination = {{ destination | to_json }};
}{{ loop.last | ternary('', ',') }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
# The channel in which users will appear in when connecting.
# Note that default channel can't have 'noenter = true' or password set
default_channel = {{ umurmur_default_channel | to_json }};

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
Description=Minimalistic Mumble server
Group={{ umurmur_ssl_group }}
ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/umurmurd -t -c /usr/local/etc/umurmur.conf
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/umurmurd -d -r -c /usr/local/etc/umurmur.conf
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID