- name: Install mumble-server package package: name: mumble-server state: present register: murmur_installed tags: murmur_install - name: Install ICE dependencies for Python package: name: - python3-zeroc-ice - python3-yaml - zeroc-ice-compilers state: present tags: murmur_install - name: Append ssl-cert group to {{ murmur_owner }} user user: name: "{{ murmur_owner }}" state: present groups: - "{{ acme_ssl_group }}" append: yes system: yes notify: restart murmur tags: murmur_install - name: Copy Murmur config file template: src: murmur/mumble-server.ini.j2 dest: /etc/mumble-server.ini owner: root group: "{{ murmur_group }}" mode: "640" notify: restart murmur tags: - murmur_install - murmur_config - name: Start mumble-server service service: name: mumble-server enabled: yes state: started tags: murmur_install - name: Write superuser password to a file copy: content: "{{ murmur_superuser_password }}" dest: /etc/mumble-server.secret owner: root group: root mode: "600" when: murmur_superuser_password is defined notify: change murmur superuser password tags: - murmur_install - murmur_config - name: Trigger Murmur handlers meta: flush_handlers - name: Create mumble-ice directory file: path: "{{ murmur_ice_script_dir }}" state: directory owner: root group: root mode: "755" tags: - murmur_install - murmur_ice - name: Copy mice Python script copy: src: murmur/scripts/mice.py dest: "{{ murmur_ice_script_dir }}/mice.py" owner: root group: root mode: "755" notify: create murmur channels register: _murmur_mice_script_copied tags: - murmur_install - murmur_ice - name: Compile Murmur.ice slice file command: |- slice2py --checksum \ -I/usr/local/share/Ice \ -I/usr/share/Ice/slice \ -I/usr/share/ice/slice \ /usr/share/slice/Murmur.ice args: chdir: "{{ murmur_ice_script_dir }}" when: _murmur_mice_script_copied is changed tags: - murmur_install - murmur_ice - name: Copy mice config copy: # See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_filters.html#formatting-data-yaml-and-json content: "{{ murmur_channels | to_nice_yaml(indent=2, width=10000) }}" dest: "{{ murmur_ice_config_path }}" owner: root group: root mode: "644" notify: create murmur channels tags: - murmur_install - murmur_config - murmur_ice - name: Trigger Mice handlers meta: flush_handlers