{{ ansible_managed | comment('c') }} // You can overwrite the default configuration values set in [config.js] here. // There should never be any required changes to this file and you can always // simply copy it over when updating to a new version. let config = window.mumbleWebConfig // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars // E.g. changing default address and theme: // config.defaults.address = 'voice.example.com' // config.defaults.theme = 'MetroMumbleDark // Which fields to show on the Connect to Server dialog config.connectDialog.address = false config.connectDialog.port = false config.connectDialog.token = false config.connectDialog.password = {{ (murmur_server_password != '') | lower }} // Default values for user settings // You can see your current value by typing `localStorage.getItem('mumble.$setting')` in the web console. config.settings.pttKey = 'shift' // Default values (can be changed by passing a query parameter of the same name) config.defaults.address = "{{ mumble_web_domain }}/mumble"