mumble_domain: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.local" acme_enabled: no acme_domains: - name: "{{ murmur_domains | first }}" alt_domains: "{{ murmur_domains[1:] }}" hooks: - systemctl restart mumble-server acme_directory_url: mumble_web_enabled: no mumble_web_domains: - "{{ mumble_domain }}" mumble_web_owner: mumble-web mumble_web_group: "{{ mumble_web_owner }}" mumble_web_home_dir: /var/www/mumble-web mumble_web_code_dir: "{{ mumble_web_home_dir }}/code" mumble_web_dist_dir: "{{ mumble_web_code_dir }}/dist" mumble_web_version: master mumble_web_websockify_port: "64737" mumble_web_caddy_enabled: yes caddy_config_dir: /etc/caddy/conf.d caddy_log_dir: /var/log/caddy caddy_owner: caddy caddy_group: caddy murmur_enabled: no murmur_domains: - "{{ mumble_domain }}" murmur_superuser_password: supersecret murmur_database: path: "/var/lib/mumble-server/mumble-server.sqlite" # driver: "QMYSQL" # username: "mumble" # password: "password" # host: "localhost" # port: 3306 # prefix: "murmur_" murmur_ice_host: "" murmur_ice_port: 6502 # Give read permission on ICE connection. Empty secret will deny read permission to anybody. murmur_ice_secret_read: "{{ lookup('password', '/tmp/murmur-ice-read.secret length=50') }}" # Give write permission on ICE connection. Empty secret will deny write permission to anybody. murmur_ice_secret_write: "{{ lookup('password', '/tmp/murmur-ice-write.secret length=50') }}" murmur_autoban_attempts: 10 murmur_autoban_timeframe: 120 murmur_autoban_time: 300 murmur_log_file: "/var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log" murmur_pid_file: "/var/run/mumble-server/" murmur_welcome_text: "Welcome on the {{ inventory_hostname }} Mumble server!" # Leave blank to let Murmur bind to all available addresses murmur_host: "" murmur_port: 64738 # Password to join the server murmur_server_password: "" murmur_max_bandwidth: 72000 murmur_max_users: 100 murmur_opus_threshold: 100 murmur_channel_nesting_limit: 10 murmur_channel_count_limit: 1000 # Regex to validate channel or usernames # murmur_channel_name_regex: "" # murmur_username_regex: "" murmur_text_message_max_length: 5000 murmur_image_message_max_length: 131072 murmur_allow_html: yes # Set to 0 to keep logs forever, or -1 to disable logging to the DB. murmur_log_days: -1 # Name for root channel and entry in mumble main server list murmur_register_enabled: no murmur_register: name: "MyMumbleServerRegisterName" password: "password" url: "" hostname: "" # Enable Bonjour for dev purpose murmur_bonjour_enabled: no murmur_certificate: "{{ acme_certs_dir }}/{{ murmur_domains | first }}.d/fullchain.pem" murmur_trusted_certificate: "{{ acme_certs_dir }}/{{ murmur_domains | first }}.d/chain.pem" murmur_private_key: "{{ acme_keys_dir }}/{{ murmur_domains | first }}.key" murmur_dhparam: "@ffdhe4096" murmur_owner: "mumble-server" murmur_group: "{{ murmur_owner }}" murmur_client_certificate_required: no murmur_send_server_version: yes murmur_ice_warn_unknown_properties: yes murmur_ice_message_size_max: 65536 murmur_channels: - name: Root description: Root channel. No entry. groups: admin: inherit: yes inheritable: yes permissions: - group: all deny: - Enter recursive: no enabled: yes - group: all allow: - RegisterSelf - MakeTempChannel - group: admin allow: - MuteDeafen - Move - Kick - Ban - Register - name: Welcome parent: Root description: Welcome channel position: 0 isdefault: yes - name: Silent parent: Root description: Silent channel position: 1 permissions: - group: all deny: - Speak - MakeTempChannel - group: admin allow: - MakeTempChannel